Hello, I am

Ghazi Khan

I'm a software developer started a decade ago focused on crafting user‑friendly experiences, I am passionate about building excellent applications and websites.

Latest Blogs

Master Pagination, Search, and Language Filtering in NextJS with Prisma ORM

Master Pagination, Search, and Language Filtering in NextJS with Prisma ORM

Learn how to implement pagination, search, and language filtering in a NextJS app using Prisma ORM. Enhance your code snippet sharing app's functionality with these essential features for improved user experience.

When to Use a Monorepo: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Practical Examples

When to Use a Monorepo: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Practical Examples

Learn when to use a monorepo, its benefits, and drawbacks. This guide includes practical examples to help you decide if a monorepo is right for your development projects.

NodeJS: An Introduction to Streams for Efficient Data Handling

NodeJS: An Introduction to Streams for Efficient Data Handling

Learn the basics of NodeJS streams, including reading, writing, and piping data, to efficiently handle large data sets in your applications with practical code examples.

My Expertise & Skills

Web App Development

Sound experience in Web App Development with frameworks like, ReactJS/NextJS, Angular, Wordpress

Mobile App Development

Have worked on mobile apps with React Native for Android and iOS

ReactJS Library Development

Experience in creating ReactJS library, also have 2 NPM packages published for React

React & React Native








Web Component

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